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Nadine Kennedy

The Grace to Thrive

A Session by Nadine Kennedy (Owner/Designer, THe Maker Heart Studio)

About this Session

Hello I'm Nadine from The Maker Heart Studio and welcome to my session " The Grace to Thrive " Do you know our Father in heaven desires our success? Like every good parent, he wants us to do well, live in abundance, have faith, and fulfill the purpose he has created us for.

How can we do it when there are sometimes so many things stacked against us. Limiting beliefs, life circumstances, age, health, location, and more can cause us to think that thriving in this world is nothing more than eating drinking, and paying bills.

What if there is MORE to life than what we know. This was the question that keeps me awake at night and in prayer. I am on a journey of finding out what thriving means... Just so you know I don't know everything, what I do know I am honored to share with you.

In this session, we will explore several scriptures about the grace to Thrive and I'm honored to have you along for the ride. This is an exciting journey that does not stop in this session but continues on as we seek our Father.

The FREEBIE for this session has been provided and the full kit is available in the shop.

OCT 14th UPDATE: 2pm EST Hey beautiful sisters...just want to give a heads up that the printable you received for my session is actually the larger one and not the one showed in the video the freebee. So sorry for the confusion, it was a mistake on my end. Fortunately, you are blessed with the larger set. I made the scriptures available as a Pdf in Our Facebook Pop- Up group and the link below.

Thank you for your patience and Grace

OCT 14th UPDATE 3:47 pm EST Our amazing team has made the scriptures available in the downloads. Love you all ....

Thank you again for your patience and grace

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About The Speaker

Nadine Kennedy

Nadine Kennedy

Owner/Designer, THe Maker Heart Studio

My biggest inspiration for journaling is to continue my Mother's legacy of simply writing to our Wonderful Fatherheaven. I am fortunate enough to own several of her Bibles and Prayer Journals that are over 50 years old. My desire is to continue my story where she left off, start a new story of children and continue in faith.