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Georgia Idreams

When God Calls - The Grace of Secret Journaling

A Session by Georgia Idreams (Georgia’s Bible, Georgia’s Bible)

About this Session

Do you love sharing your Bible art….. on social media or in real life? But find that this makes you hesitant to write your actual thoughts on the page because, well, people might READ THEM! I used to think that way. But then I found a new way to write my words to God without making them so accessible to the world. There’s a story. There’s ALWAYS a story! Join me as I share some of my personal faith story with you….. and walk you through a fun and easy 10 step process to creating a mixed media Bible journaling page. We’ll also take a look at what I like to call Secret Journaling. Because Bible journaling is personal. It’s sacred. Sometimes it’s even painful. Bible journaling is prayer! And sometimes that prayer needs to be for God’s eyes only. Be sure to print off my free printable. Then grab your paints, a napkin or sheet of rice paper, clear gesso or collage medium, black marker and your choice of embellishments. And let’s get creative!

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“Journal my Heart” Printable

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About The Speaker

Georgia Idreams

Georgia Idreams

Georgia’s Bible, Georgia’s Bible