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Sara Bryant

Saved by Grace: SOZO - Our Identity in Christ

A Session by Sara Bryant (Owner/Designer, Keys of the Kingdom)

About this Session

The Lord has been speaking to me about sharing more important truths regarding salvation and what is included. There is so much MORE to salvation than just going to Heaven when we die. Christ came so that we could have life and life more ABUNDANTLY here on earth in His Kingdom. He wants us to walk in all the gifts that are included in the package of salvation (SOZO). In my session, I discuss some of the things that are included and give some examples of how to walk in them.

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SOZO - Our Identity in Christ (Pages 2-4)

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About The Speaker

Sara Bryant

Sara Bryant

Owner/Designer, Keys of the Kingdom

Sara is an ordained minister of the Gospel. She has traveled to foreign countries for missionary work as well as done ministry work at home in the US. Sara studied Speech Communication.