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Ansu Badenhorst

A Graceroad in the Lillies - How God Provides Grace for our Journey and Leads Us to Fields of Spiritual Flowers Along the Wilderness Way

A Session by Ansu Badenhorst (Owner and Director, Ivytree Studio)

About this Session

Life can be a Wilderness experience. Up and down we go through valleys and hills and even mountains to climb. When we go it alone, it can be so much harder and even more confusing to navigate. Through my session, I would like to encourage you to take the hand of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, to surrender each care and to trust that God really and truly loves you and wants the best for you. He has a plan, a purpose and knows the way. He will lead you through a golden highway, perhaps narrow at times, but a unique road created to get you through. Trust His lead. Follow Him. He will lead you safely home.

Session package: Download the two PDF printables. 1. My Speaker Notebook with everything on me, Ivytree Studio, Gracelilly Ministries, all the links and info you would need as well as the Grace Research notes I will be mentioning in my session. It is a TN friendly printable. Print the first two pages back to back on cardstock. This is your cover. Print the rest of the pages on copy paper also back to back. Fold your cover and then fold your inside pages. Add to the cover and staple. Trim on the crop marks provided. Be careful not to trim off the page numbers at the bottom so check before you cut. Note pages included so you can take notes. Write down what the Holy Spirit is saying to you, things I said you want to document. Engage with the notebook. 2. Creative kit: print the tutorial and all the pages. Cut and prep creative elements. Collection art products you want to use. Sit back and enjoy the session.

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About The Speaker

Ansu Badenhorst

Ansu Badenhorst

Owner and Director, Ivytree Studio

Educator, Artist and Content Developer with a Degree in Education, Economics and Biblical Studies -Encouraging Creative Christian Women through the Word of God, Art, Creativity and a love of Paper.