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AlinaJoy DuBois

Greek and Hebrew For Sleep Deprived Moms (and other Normal People Who Never Went To Seminary)

A Session by AlinaJoy DuBois (Happy Unconventional Life)

About this Session

Join me as I walk you through this SUPER EASY way to learn more about a single Bible Verse or topic than you ever thought was possible? Wish you understood more about the original Biblical languages but don't have a deep background or fancy theology degree? Perfect. This session is for you!

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Register for this Session to unlock these exclusive offers.

OFFER #1: Free Printable ENCOURAGEMENT Cards A collection of super-pretty cards with my Top Ten favorite Bible verses that have encouraged me over the years. OFFER #2: Free Bible Journaling Binder Lots of printable pages to create your own Bible Study or War Binder. These are black and white pages to color in and will help you organize your spiritual life. ACCESS INSTRUCTIONS For Either Offer: 1. Go to: 2. Enter your name and BEST email address into the sign up form. It's right below the words "New files continually being added." (The form might take a minute to load if there's lots traffic. Thank you for being patient!) 3. You'll receive an email with access instructions. Easy Peasy!

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About The Speaker

AlinaJoy DuBois

AlinaJoy DuBois

Happy Unconventional Life