Tori Jennings
Owner, TasseledBible Bible journaler, YouTuber, I also lead Bible Journaling in Faith on Facebook.
About this speaker
Hello everyone my name is Tori. I’m a Marine Corps wife, we have been married 8 years and a mama to two littles, a 5 year old and a 1 year old. I’m known on YouTube as Biblejournaling mama. I came up with that name by putting the two things I’m very passionate about which are Bible journaling and being a mom. Some other fun things I love to do are spend time with family, go on “adventure” walks, and I love music, Oh and I am a collector of tea cups (I just find them so beautiful). I’ve been bible Journaling for around 3 years and fall in love with Gods word more and more every day. Creative worship has made my relationship with the Lord so much stronger and I’ve grown to know him on and even more intimate level. In 2020 the Lord called me to step out of my comfort zone and to do a Facebook live video creating a page in my bible. I wasn’t so sure about it but he was! What a blessing and life changing experience. Since that day he has taken me on quite the journey which has led me here. I’m beyond blessed to share my heart with you and bring you what the Lord has shown me on the topic of Grace! Something I’ve walked through quite a bit is dealing with anxiety and chronic illness. I have had a lot of valleys this past year but what I know is Gods grace is all I need. When I am weak he is strong. In my weakness it gives me an opportunity to press in and lean on God’s love, strength and mercy. When I am at my lowest God always give me just what I need to make it through another day. His strength, his love and his grace are what I need daily! I pray this conference is just what you need and I pray the Lord moves in ways you never saw coming. I also encourage you to listen to him, if he is calling you to do something, listen! He will lead and guide you and carry you along the journey!
Much love,
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