About this speaker
Hello all! My name is Shalon Day. I am a woman of many hats, roles and duties. Professionally, I have a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work. I worked for 15 years as a supervisor, manager, HUD "specialist," case manager, etc. for people and families supporting them with Developmental Disabilities, various levels of mental retardation and helped to provide support, services, housing, jobs, respite and more. I turned in that "hat" 11 years ago after learning I was pregnant with my 10 year old son after having experienced a miscarriage before him. I have a 19 year old daughter, 10 year old son and have been married to the love of my life for 13 years! We have 2 cats, 3 dogs, 12 chickens and a lionhead rabbit on our little homestead.
I became an official #Biblewrecker in 2015, but have unknowingly been doing it for over 30 years! Three years ago, I became a part of the Bible Journaling Ministries family and have grown in so many ways through the FB Beginner Community as an Admin/Moderator, as well as, being adopted into the Rollins' family all because BJM and God!
I recently began my own website, FB group and YouTube channel after a LOT of encouraging from my husband, Tim & Tracie Rollins, finally listening to God whispering (not so quietly), tapping my shoulder (not so lightly) to step out on faith and just do it!!!!!!! Aside from this endeavor, I create epoxy tumblers, keychains, ink pens and more! I also "sling" Color Street as an Independent Stylist as my own boss and small business(es) owner. Oh! And I am the "print" lady for Bible Journaling Ministries Momentum kits and conference packets.
I fully believe, practice and teach that Bible study, immersion, journaling, praise and worship is personal! It is a creative tool that allows me to dig deeper, remember more, learn abundantly and continuously fall in love with God's Love Letter. My motto is, "Journaling is NEVER about how you mark the Word. It is how the Word marks you!"